Who: Resort guests, Pointe people, the general public and their families
What: A FREEWater Saftey Event featuring Swimming,Water Rescue
Demonstrations, CPR Demonstrations & DVDs,Water Safety Gift Bags, Multiple Safety Booths & Lots of Photo Opportunities. Not to mention there will also be a Rescue Helicopter, Ambulances & Firetrucks on display!
When: Tuesday, May 25, 2010
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort’s Hole-in-the-Wall River Ranch -a 4 acre oasis of waterfalls, pools, a Lazy River & a 130 ft. waterslide 7677 N. 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020
Why: The Phoenix Fire Department & Pointe Hilton Resorts have joined forces to remind you to watch children around water.
Special Appearances By: The Phoenix Suns Gorilla, Phoenix Coyotes Howler, Arizona Diamondbacks Organist Bobby Freeman &
City Aquatics Buddy Bear
Added by f20092010 on May 23, 2010