The Colorado Chapter of the Financial Executive Networking Group will meet on MAY 27, 2009. Please register on the front page of this website in the EventBrite box.
Moreton & Company (See map below or on the EventBrite invitation)
4600 S. Ulster Street
Denver, CO 80237
This is held in the Blue Spruce first floor conference room, go left once inside the building, go down the hall and enter the glass CBRE doors. Walk left and Conf room is down the hall.
- A three time US Collegiate Cycling Champion, former US Cycling Team
member and Personal Trainer for Your Mind, Traci is dedicated to
assisting individuals and groups create excellence. By integrating her
12 year bike racing career, experience in the corporate world, and
extensive training in mental excellence, Traci Wows! people all
around the country by teaching them to initiate change in a positive,
easy, and inspirational way. Traci shares her inspirational journey to
the podium while providing tools to motivate audiences so that success
becomes automatic.
Traci is the author of How to Make Money, Have Fun and Love What You Do: A Practical Guide to Creating the Success You Deserve in Work and Life
When youre ready to stop talking about being successful and
actually be successful, its time to call Traci. She helped me
recapture focus that I thought Id lost.
-Alex Galant - Teacher and 4x International Powerlifting Federation World Masters Champion
Champions are different! They possess a
unique mental makeup that goes with excellence and success. Many people
have experienced moments or perhaps even days when everything flows, we
feel our best and life seems magical. But for most, its illusive and
beyond our control. This doesnt have to be the case. Peak performance
is a strategy which can be created and enjoyed any time. Tracis
programs focus on the common denominators of peak performance,
communication and results. They will get your team performing in a way
you only dreamed possible.
Traci tells great stories, leads by example and shows you the steps to build your ultimate future-B. Gavigan
Traci charges $7,500 - $10,000 for this presentation when its a half-day, and she has offered to give this to COFENG for free.
Put Yourself on Autopilot towards EXACTLY What You Want in Business and Life!
Increase Your Sales & Dramatically Improve Your Client's Performance.
Attendees will take home introductions to the following tools:
1. Unconscious Rapport-establish it in 5 seconds!
2. Flexibility in language-verbal & body language
3. Leading, pacing and persuasion
These tools will allow students to:
Always get agreement
Get the information you want, when you want it
Elegantly disagree with others, without offending them
Uncover hidden agendas
Get your point across without resistance
Get your listener curious and interested
Secrets of Learning Easily
Please register early because based on experience, we willquickly reach maximum capacity for this event.
Your Colorado FENG chapter conducts its regular chapter meetings the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Please RSVP ASAP as your reservation assists us in event planning.
TIME: 5:00 to 8:00 pm
PRESENTATION: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
NETWORKING: 7:00 to 8:00 pm
COST: Complimentary
Please try to be on time. Honestly you do miss something when you arrive late.
beginning of the meeting will be devoted to members delivering their
60-second announcements so we can learn more about each other. Our
practice has been that senior members are expected to provide a job
search tip at the end of their introduction. This opportunity to share
your expertise has even proved to be a valuable source of ideas.
We have topics selected in advance. However, if you haveone of particular interest to you, please let us know.
regard to future meetings, please mark your calendars for the fourth
Wednesday of the month and try to keep the date available.Interviews,
work, and family emergencies are good exceptions.
In order to get the maximum benefit from our meeting:
1. Bring a name badge and/or name tent to the meeting.*
2. Bring copies of your resume and business cards.
3. Polish your 60 second announcement.
RESERVATIONS: Please RSVP by registering
and confirming on the front page of www.cofeng.org in the EventBrite
box to facilitate appropriate event planning.
PRESENTATION: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
NETWORKING: 7:00 to 8:00 pm
is just south of I225 and DTC Boulevard). The door and parking lot opens
on the west side of the building to Ulster. Look for the flags in the
parking lot.
easiest way to find Morton & Co's office is to exit I-25 at
Belleview and head east towards Ulster Street, then turn lef tor north
on Ulster. The building is on the North East corner of Ulster &
Tuffs (4600 S. Ulster Street), located TWO BUILDINGS north of McCormick'sand Schmick's.
The parking lot entranace is
immediately right after the bus stop on the right-handside.There is a
BEA SYSTEMS sign as you enter the driveway, turn left towards the next
building is connected to a similar, taller office building on south side
by a large flagstone patio and wall. There are flags infront of the
parking lot on the west side of the building.
you haven't been here before, I suggest that you use Google Maps on the
EventBrite invitation to get the detailed location as it may be hard to
find the first
Lance Butler,
our host, instructed building security to keep the front doors open
until 6:00 pm. If the doors are not open, please call us on our cell
telephones and Lance or others will let you in.
LanceButler: C:303-332-8779
GregoryTrippleC: 720-352-3840
TerrenceSmiithC: 719-330-3981
Marty KoenigC: 303-995-4523
Ticket Info: - Complementary Ticket, Free
- Donations Are Appreciated, Free
Official Website: http://cofengmay09-upcoming.eventbrite.com