Green Means Go . . . explore the new MAX line. Following the arrival of the inaugural MAX Green Line train to Pioneer Courthouse Square on Saturday, September 12, 2009 attendees will be treated to family friendly fun, like, live music, interactive art displays and performances, fashion shows featuring hot new styles from downtown retailers and cooking demonstrations by some of the city's best known chefs. Scheduled performers include: Obo Addy, Stephanie Schneiderman, Terry Robb and Linda Hornbuckle, and wrapped up by the Lily Wilde Orchestra.
Downtown retailers and businesses will add to the celebratory spirit by decorating their storefronts in the green theme and offering special deals.
Best of all, activities at Pioneer Courthouse Square and Green Line rides are free and open to the public. No tickets are necessary for free MAX rides. Rides are provided on a first come, first served basis.
Added by Stephanie Selk on September 9, 2009