Free film screening
Mawson: Life and death in Antarctica
South Australian Douglas Mawson is famous for his intrepid explorations. In fact, his Antarctic Expedition of 1912 is considered one of the most amazing feats of physical and mental endurance of all time.
After an horrific journey across hundreds of kilometres of frozen wasteland, in which his two companions perished, Douglas Mawson survived, but how? Did he really, as reported in the media of the day, consider eating the body of his dead comrade?In a bold historical experiment, Australian adventurer Tim Jarvis retraced Mawsons gruelling experience to find an answer. Having been almost killed during his own solo trek to the South Pole in 1999, he confronted the deadly ice again as Mawson did, with similar meagre rations and primitive clothing and equipment.
Join Tim for this special FREE screening of his film, and uncover his and Mawsons truly extraordinary stories of human survival.
6.30pm for 7pm start.
Mawson - Life and Death in Antarctica is a Screen Australia Making History Production in association with Orana Films. Produced with the assistance of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Channel 4. See
http://www.filmaust.com.au/mawson/ for details
Organized by Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus)
Ticket Info: Mawson: Life and death in Antarctica, Free
Official Website: http://mawsonlifeanddeathinantarctica-upcoming.eventbrite.com