Orlando, Florida

“Feldman has a hilarious offhand air, and he’s so natural that he seems to have wondered in from another play.” Elizabeth Maupin, Orlando Sentinel (March 10, 1994, p. E3)

In 1983, Elizabeth Maupin became the theater critic at the Orlando Sentinel. Now, more than 26 years later, she is leaving her job to pursue other dreams.

In honor of her final day on the job, Brian Feldman (who appeared in 10 productions reviewed by Betsey) will read selected reviews she has written for the Sentinel (from April 4, 1985* - February 26, 2010). This eight hour event will be webcast on, Qik, Vokle and Livestream. You can also watch clips on YouTube.

If there is a specific review of Betsey’s you would like Brian to read, please send your request with the name and dates of production (please include company name) to: (or @BrianFeldman on Twitter, #Maupin).

If your request is from November 17, 1983 - April 3, 1985, please submit more than 26 hours in advance, as this will require a special trip to Orlando Public Library to look up the review on microfilm. (You will be billed 50¢.)

*earliest result for "Elizabeth Maupin" on ProQuest

This independent project is not sanctioned, endorsed or sponsored by Orlando Sentinel or Tribune Company. It is, however, sanctioned and endorsed (but not sponsored) by Elizabeth Maupin!

WHO: Brian Feldman Projects (Brian Feldman Marries Anybody* | Leap Year Day | The Feldman Dynamic)

WHAT: Maupin!

WHEN: Friday, February 26, 2010 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET


COST: Free

LINKS: (Elizabeth Maupin) (@BrianFeldman on Twitter) (@emaupin on Twitter) (Facebook Event) (Media Release)
When referencing on Twitter, please use hashtag #Maupin


BRIAN FELDMAN PROJECTS is Central Florida’s premiere presenter of experimental time-based art since 2003. Dinners on stage with real life families, leaping off ladders for 24 hours, group tours in Google translated Swedish through IKEA®, critical tributes - this is what we do. Upcoming projects include sleepwalk 2: i walk over you (20 Mar 2010), Happiness Hurts (1 Apr 2010) and 67 Books (11-17 Apr 2010).

Official Website:

Added by brianfeldmanprojects on February 20, 2010