27722 State Route 424
Defiance, Ohio 43512

The 24th Annual Maumee Valley Tri-Adventure Race is a multi-sport event starting with a 36 mile bicycle road race, followed by 6 miles of canoeing on either Maumee River or Miami-Erie Canal, and an 8 mile backpacking excursion on the canal towpath. The event benefits the Volunteer Connection and the Naturalist Scouts. Entry fee is $30 per person prior to May 11 when fees increase by $20. Youth under 18 pay only $10 to compete. Canoes are available to rent. E-mail volunteer@defnet.com or call 419-782-3212 for more information.

Official Website: http://maumeetriadventurerace.net/

Added by volunteerconnection.nwohio on April 23, 2009