That everything is interconnected is at the heart of many spiritual and religious teachings. Bringing this insight or knowing into practical reality is often challenging and elusive. The Matrix model offers the skills and tools to shape groups into conscious, interconnected, living systems that are joined to a larger Source, serving the individuals, the relationships and the Whole.
In the Matrix model, a group is a set of relationships (or connections between the parts). Leadership is shared and begins with optimizing the connectivity and communication between the individuals (or teams). We re-train ourselves to listen and respond to the needs of the whole while differentiating to become more uniquely ourselves.
In this interactive session, you will learn to develop a Matrix Communication Network as the foundation for a group's evolution. The principles include:
• Person-to-Person Communication ~ In the “eyes and ears” of the Whole
• Ground of Health ~ Appreciative, Strengths, Ordinary Human Connection
• Attention to the “Whole” ~ Aware of & responsive to/for the group as a whole
• Holistic Intelligence ~ Body-Mind-Heart-Spirit; Right-Left Brain
• Redefine Feedback ~ Appreciative & Differentiating Feedback as an investment in improving relationships & work/life together
• Differentiate and Distribute Roles, Perspectives & Fields
As you learn to develop groups into living systems, you will begin see and feel spiritual interconnection come alive as you attend to individuals, relationships and the whole. Your confidence as a leader will grow and you will have new choices about how to communicate effectively, how to be fully yourself even while differing with others, and how to allow the collective intelligence to emerge.
Added by jungfire on September 19, 2011