6404 pinnacle peak
Phoenix, Arizona

Matlin Studio’s 2nd Annual Year End Extravaganza

Sunday, December 28th, 2008
1 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Last year Matlin Celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Elayne Stein’s membership in the Screen Actors Guild AND the 2nd Anniversary of Rick Waymire’s “2nd Chance”. We raised money for The American Heart Association while we enjoyed lots of fun, food, entertainment, networking, etc.
This year we already have the makings of a FANTASTIC lineup of entertainment committed to the event! Entertainment, Including, but not limited to…

Music by “Gypsy’s Juke Rockers”
Stand Up Comedy by T.A. Burrows
Improv with “inappropriov” (2 performances)
Juggling by the Travador, Travis Dockter
Magic by Jacob Spinney
Stunt Show by Southwest Stunt Association

We will be filming a documentary during the Extravaganza…
“Touching one life at a time…” (Working Title)

We will also have…
*Silent auction (***Partial list of items below)
*Free Workshop
*50/50 CASH raffle
*Super Raffle for Limo Service, Massage, Season Tickets, etc.
*And other giveaways!!!
***Partial List of Auction Items:

***AMC Movie Tickets
***Hair Cut/Style by Kelly
***Hair Cut/Style by Michelle
***4 Tickets to Fiesta Bowl Block Party
***Oil Changes
***Personal Training Session
***Elayne Stein’s 12 Week Commercial Class
***Helen McCready, C.S.A. - 4 Week Audition Class
***Gut Reacting TM Classes
***Misc Classes / Workshops
***Reiki Session
***Face Peel
***Headshot by Danielle Silverman
***Headshot by Ryan Nicholson
***Playbill Advertizing for your Business

**More details to follow….stay tuned….

RSVP (*Required)
E-mail: algproductions@cox.net
Phone: (480) 459-1968
*Your name must be on our list to be admitted on property.

Matlin Studio’s Mission is to “Touch one life at a time through the Arts“

This year has been a challenge for many in our Matlin Family of students. Many have lost jobs and homes. Matlin has given out several scholarships over the years, and 2008 was record breaking. We believe in “Touching one life at a time through the Arts”, and this year we are asking for your help. Although there is NO CHARGE to attend this event, we are making it a Studio Fundraiser so that we can continue to provide assistance to families who are struggling by sharing education in the arts through our scholarships, among other things. No amount too large or too small! We are also preparing a Board of Gratitude for anyone who contributes that will be displayed at Matlin Studio in 2009. We want to make sure we can continue in our mission and we are asking your help to make that happen. We wish you and all our Matlin Family an abundance of joy, peace and prosperity in 2009…and beyond!
A special thanks to those of you who have supported us in so many ways this past year by sharing your
Time, Talent and Treasure!
God Bless!!!

If you know of anyone who would like become a Corporate Matlin Sponsor, we have several options available. Advertizing in all Matlin Playbills, On our Website, and Newsletters are a few ways sponsors can benefit while supporting the Arts in our community. Help us spread the word!

Official Website: http://www.matlinstudio.com

Added by Matlin Studio for the Arts on December 17, 2008