A scholar of mathematics and statistics will discuss mathematics and beauty in Islamic culture on Thursday, April 27, at 10 a.m. in the Matthews Auditorium, Room 137, Kaneff Centre, UTM.
Miroslav Lovric, a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University, will speak about the influence of geometry in Islamic architecture, with a specific focus on the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain. Scientists and artists working in the Islamic world created sophisticated mosaic patterns and configurations ? patterns that suggest the use of geometry to visually express human experience.
The lecture is part of the Canadian Perspectives Lecture Series, organized by the Associates of Erindale College through the Office of Advancement at UTM. Proceeds support student scholarships.
For more information about the series, including cost, please contact Sue Prior, manager of alumni development, at 905-828-5454 or sprior [at]utm.utoronto.ca.
Series brochure online
Official Website: http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/calendar/
Added by saira on April 24, 2006