1701 4th St Sw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

As part of Women In Creativity Month, Performance Artist and Storyteller Ramona King will put up her one woman show "Maternal Dreamer" at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.

"Maternal Dreamer Snakes together Dreams Screams and Ancestral Memories. This StoryTheater piece displays women's stories and trnsitions where the storyteller is ultimately tranformed by all of them."

This passionate, moving, inspired piece shares women's stories through fantastic and beautiful storytelling and performance. Don't miss this opportunity to experience truly unique and powerful theatre.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
7:30 pm
National Hispanic Cultural Center
Wells Fargo Auditorium

Official Website: http://www.nhccnm.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=396&Itemid=255

Added by sophie.dukecityfix on March 2, 2008