The 2009 Connection for ALL Experienced Northern California Management Consultants
The Proven Method to expand your referral, connection, and alliance base. MatchNet has been held around the world by IMC with great success. Because it was so successful in 2008, it is back by popular demand (known as CmCC in 2008). This is must-attend event.
Learn a process that can improve your partnering with others; leave with specific action plans, commitments, new connections; leave with a CD containing the profiles of all MatchNet attendees for later follow-up.
Overview of the workshop: You will meet 1-on-1 with up to four consultants with whom you have been carefully matched. In each meeting, you will share information and discuss how you might work together and refer clients or other opportunities to each other. In each session, there will be a mutual commitment to generate one significant event for each other. We will conclude matches by 12:00 PM. Informal Networking will take place from 12 to 12:30.
How to participate: You MUST register and respond by March 10 describing your practice, clients, services and project examples. You will be paired with four "matches" - consultants with whom you have synergies and can collaborate with.
Pricing is $65 for IMC members and $70 for affiliates. Pricing for all others is $80. Walk-ins will not be admitted. This price includes the CD of all registered attendees' profiles and continental breakfast.
$65 for Members, $70 for Affiliates, $80 all others, NO WALK-INS.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 21, 2009