16330 NE 4th St
Bellevue, Washington 98007

Come celebrate and collaborate.

If mastermind is new to you, then imagine a supportive, caring and innovative think tank just for YOU!

Historically, you will be in good company, like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale.

At the beginning of the event, each participant will be able to introduce themselves and briefly describe their business. The participants in the event will be divided into smaller groups. Each participant in the group, in turn, will have an opportunity to ask for support toward a goal, something they want for themselves or their business. Every other group member will support each others goals and suggest possible solutions in a brainstorming or brain writing style.

Each participant will:

Come prepared with a short into.
Blow your own horn about a success they had last week.
Succinctly describe their goal or blocking issue.
Listen carefully and participate fully
Leave with a ton ideas
Develop 3 action steps for their own goal next week and
Choose an teammate
Volunteer to be a teammate to another group member
I hope to see you there.

One must become a free Biznik member before attending Biznik events.

Thank You

Added by disantisp on January 30, 2009

Interested 1