Mastering Virtual and Reality Networking
(a Live Event)
"So I've got 100 connections on LinkedIn, 55 followers on Twitter and 127 Facebook 'Friends'...NOW what?"
Unlock the insider secret to leveraging your existing connections ... (both online and in-person connections)
Join us on Tuesday, March 31st@ Visions Restaurant in Bethesda
:: 6:00pm - 8:30pm :: (Full Details Below)
Steve Dorfman, President - Driven To Excel
Tony Marciante, Chef/Owner - Visions Bethesda
_______________________________________________________________Only $47 when you register by Monday, March 16th ($57 thereafter):: Space is limited! ::________________________________________________"Mastering Virtual & Reality Networking"
Join the conversation, as Steve & Tony unlock the secret to leveraging your existing connections (online and in-person connections)
6:00 - 6:30pm: Early-Bird Networking & Light Refreshments6:30 - 8:00pm: Powerful Interactive Presentation8:00 - 8:30pm: Expert Panel Discussion with Q & A
Gain the tools, knowledge and inspiration to build your network ... and your businessDid you know that we experience 1/20th the number of human interactions today that we did just 20 years ago?......Discover the latest tips and best-practices for networking, both online and in-person
Distinguish the difference between your many online networking choices
Learn how to present yourself professionally and "connect" more often
Discover how to "show up" as someone that people will know, like and trust
Leverage your collection of connections, while learning how to take relationships from "acquaintance" to "strategic partnership"
Register Now to Receive Your FREE Bonuses...*Claim your Autographed Copy of Best-Selling Author, Bob Burg's Book:
Endless Referrals Network Your Everyday Contacts into SalesP.S.2 Lucky Attendees will Win: Dinner for Two @ Visions Restaurant ($60 value)2 Lucky Attendees will Win: One hour of Executive Business Coaching from:Steve Dorfman of Driven to Excel ($250 value)P.P.S.ALL registrants will receive a FREE copy of one of our favorite e-books:"The 10 Mistakes People Make at Networking Events and How to Avoid Them"by Mac Cassity & Glenn Garnes of Perfect Networker ($47 value)
Claim Your Copy of E-book from Registration Completion Page________________________________________________See "Chef Tony" discuss the power of social media on Channel 9 WUSA - 5 O'clock NewsSee Steve Dorfman "In The News"_______________________________________________Join us here:Visions Restaurant4926 St Elmo Avenue, Bethesda, MD(Plenty of Parking and Only 4 Blocks from Bethesda Metro (Red Line))Arrive early (Doors open at 6:00pm) and meet your fellow participants!
25 Lucky People
*The first 25 registrants will receive an autographed copy of Best-Selling Author,
Bob Burg's book:
Network Your Everyday Contacts into Sales
Don't miss out! (You will receive your Autographed Book at the event)
Organized by DrivenToExcel
Ticket Info: Event Registration, $57.00
Official Website: http://varn-upcoming.eventbrite.com