1.5 California Recertification Credits
State and federal disability laws provide valuable protections to disabled employees. It requires employers to engage in the interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations. But how does an employer determine whether a requested accommodation is unreasonable? And what happens if a protected employee also has performance or misconduct issues? Or is engaging in erratic behavior that frightens co-workers?
This session will provide an advanced, practical approach to the interactive process, with an emphasis on the thorny issues that arise in this complex world.
About the Presenter:
Sue Ann Van Dermyden, a shareholder of Van Dermyden Allison Law Corporation, has specialized in employment law since 1993. She is a licensed private investigator and certified EEOC investigator. Sue Ann's practice focuses on investigating complex work-related claims concerning harassment, discrimination, retaliation, misconduct and performance issues; providing expert witness testimony on employment matters; advising clients on complex employment-related matters; and, conducting interactive and entertaining training seminars.
Sue Ann is a founding member of the Association of Workplace Investigators (AWI) (formerly, California Association of Workplace Investigators (CAOWI)). She is also an AWI Board Member and Officer, and currently serves as the Education Committee Chair and the Sacramento Local Circle Convener. She has authored numerous articles on employment law and conducted countless training seminars, many listed at www.VALawCorp.com.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on February 26, 2012