545 8th Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, New York

TWN Spring Evening Workshops 2011!

TWN presents its seasonal series of walk-in seminars on production topics you need - from production planning and distribution, to new media production, sound recording and more. The workshops take place at Third World Newsreel. Register now by emailing workshop@twn.org.
Tuesday, May 31st, 6:30 PM
Master Class with Filmmaker/Editor Sonia Gonzalez-Martinez
Sonia Gonzalez-Martinez, the director of "Bragging Rights: Stickball Stories" has also been an editor for over ten years. Among her credits are "Los Bandoleros" (Vin Diesel), "Antonia Pantoja, Presente!" (Lillian Jimenez) and "Passionate Politics: the Life and Work of Charlotte Bunch" (Tami Gold). Sonia is currently editing Byron Hurts' (a TWN workshop grad) latest doc, "Soul Food Junkies", and will show clips from her work, talk about how she got into the field and made her film, about the challenges facing women of color in the industry, and what inspires her to do what she does. FREE. RSVP to workshop@twn.org.

All Classes held at:
Third World Newsreel
545 Eighth Avenue, 10th Flr
between 37th and 38th Streets
1, 2, 3, A, C, E to Times Square
212 947-9277 x 15
RSVP and info - email workshop@twn.org

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Added by thirdworldnewsreel on May 16, 2011

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