“Massacre the Mustard” at Mounds on Saturday April 24th
Aliens are invading Mounds State Park… Help! Garlic mustard is an invasive alien plant species that spreads rapidly, replacing native woodland flowers. Pulling the plant before it sets seed can break the life cycle and slow or even stop the invasion.
Join Mounds State Park staff, volunteers, civic groups, families, and individuals for the 10th Annual Garlic Mustard Pull. This is a great community service activity for scout groups. Come for an hour or spend the entire day, and bring garden gloves if you have them. We’ll provide a light lunch for all pullers!
People interested in helping on the garlic mustard pull day can sign in at the gatehouse, and will not be charged the gate fee for their volunteer efforts.
Schedule for the day follows:
9:00am 10th ANNUAL GARLIC MUSTARD PULL- Visitor Center
12:00pm LUNCH FOR PULLERS- Take a break from pulling and refuel at the Visitor Center.
1:00pm GARLIC MUSTARD PULL SECOND CALL OUT- Missed the morning mustard pull? Join us this afternoon. Visitor Center
Added by Pendleton-Gazette on April 21, 2010