mashup* Manchester will kick off with a high level discussion and networking evening themed 'Web2.0'. We want to bring together all the innovators, investors, enterprises and media organisations involved in Web2.0 in the North.
Speaker Line Up:
Speaker 1: David Terrar of Blognation and D Squared C
Speaker 2: Simon Grice of etribes and mashup
Case study 1: Yuuguu
Case study 2: edocr
Moderator: Manoj Ranaweera
6:15 Doors open & networking
7:15 Speeches & Case Studies
8:15 Panel Discussion
9:00 Networking
This is a paid event. Please visit home page for registrations.
Please tune to Manoj's blog at for event updates
Official Website:
Added by ManojRanaweera on September 23, 2007