1 Lime Street
London, England EC3M 7HA

The next mashup* will be on the theme of Advertising 2.0. How online advertising is evolving, becoming personalised, targeted and relevant?

The Speaker, Panel members and Contributors are:
~ Michael Bayler - The Rights Marketing Company
~ Esther Dyson - "editor-at-large" CNET
~ Alex Marks - MSN
~ Andy Bell - Mint Digital
~ John Taysom - Mediagraft
~ Irfon Watkins - Coull.tv

They will be exploring the opportunities & challenges for entrepreneurs, investors, publishers, media businesses, content owners, community websites, telcos, mobile operators, billing providers and ISPs presented by the rapidly growing online advertising market.

The cost of the event is £25 (+ VAT) please register and pay here.

Official Website: http://www.etribes.com/node/21896