No.71, Miller?s Road, 5th Floor, Sona Towers,
Bangalore, Karnataka 560 052

Dear Friend(s)

Mashaal brings to you Samvaad , a play reading. Samvaad (meaning Dialouge in hindi) is a small effort to bring more plays to you thorugh the age-old medium of Reading. Play Reading is actors reading a play out loud, usually one actor reads the lines for one character.

Please feel free to call us or mail us for queries.

Play : Til ka Taad
Language : Hindi
Date & Time : 5:00 pm, Saturday, May 10th 2008
Location : CFD (Centre for Film and Drama)
Duration : 80 - 90 minutes
Entry : Free
About The Play :
A hilarious play with a bachelor, a nagging landlord , a girl in distress, couple of dysfunctional friends , few old men and lots of confusion.
The Reading will start at 5.15 sharp, after a brief introduction to the play and playwright. Discussions about the play will follow after the reading. Please do come, who knows even you may read a part :)

Mashaal is a theatre group formed by HDC, BITS, Pilani alumni.

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Talk To Us : +91-9739-803-104

Official Website:

Added by Raheem on April 29, 2008

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