The first and freshest party of each new week, Mash Up! Join the resident DJs as they blend the hottest club bangers of the moment with classics from across the spectrum of dance music. The big beats run through Electro House to Dancepunk Rock, Hip Hop (from Crunk Classics to Old School), Funk to Disco, Baltimore Club, Reggaeton to Dancehall.
Bonbon全新的星期二派对系列,我们将它命名为MASH UP星期二!如果你要寻找的是性感,享受与时尚接轨的感觉,那你就来对了地方!MASH UP 星期二玩的就是最近在美国很流行的Mash Up 音乐,将嘻哈音乐元素与各种流行音乐相融合,成为现场听觉体验的最高享受!加上养眼的人潮和通宵达旦的无限畅饮,彻底贯彻MASH UP派对的指标:夜越深,人越善,酒越多,美眉越好看,玩得越疯狂,大家就越性感!
Male 88RMB, Female 50RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 3:00am
Official Website:
Added by wendyland on January 2, 2008