1931 Olney Ave. Ste. 100
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003

M*A*S*H is known as a book, a movie, a television series and now as a play by Tim Kelly. Don't miss the M*A*S*H gang in a wild, free flowing comedy! This medical unit is mad, quite made, all of them. They are impossible people in an impossible place, doing incredibly impossible work, especially those two unpredictable, unforgettable rebels, Hawkeye and Trapper, two of the best surgeons in South Korea. Join us in discovering that hysterical laughter just might be the best form of medicine anywhere as we untie the threads of comedy right before your eyes. The Collaborative Act Studio brings your favorite characters to the live stage in M*A*S*H!
Performance dates; May 28, 29, 30, June 4, 5, 6 @ 8:00 pm, May 31 & June 6 @ 2:00 pm

General Admission; Adults $16., Seniors $13., Groups of 20 or more $13.

Official Website: http://www.webtrec.com/CollaborativeActStudio/

Added by TedWioncek on May 17, 2009

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