84 Franklin St
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Join House Speaker Michael E. Busch, new and seasoned members of the General Assembly, and preservationists from across the state for breakfast

Join volunteers and professionals from historic district commissions, heritage areas, main street communities, and from history museums, archaeology and preservation organizations for a breakfast to celebrate the history that has forged communities across the state. Learn about the preservation agenda for the 2007 legislative session and about the economic benefit of programs that serve and protect Maryland ’s rich heritage.

We invite you to join us as we gather to celebrate the heritage
that defines our state and shapes our lives. Help us to protect the irreplaceable

Sponsored by: Preservation Maryland , the Maryland Historical Trust, the Maryland Humanities Council, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, the Coalition of Maryland Heritage Areas, the Archaeological Society of Maryland , the Maryland Association of History Museums, the Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions, the Council for Maryland Archaeology and Main Street Maryland.

$10 per person. To register contact Kristen Harbeson, kharbeson@preservationmaryland.org

Official Website: http://www.preservationmaryland.org

Added by rllayman on January 16, 2007

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