#73 4th Main road, Gandhi nagar, Adayar
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600020

Martin Fowler – Chief Scientist, ThoughtWorks Inc.

Martin, a renowned author, software consultant and speaker, brings two decades of experience helping corporations utilize object technology for mission-critical information systems.

Before joining ThoughtWorks, Martin was an independent consultant. He worked with clients in Europe and North America pioneering object-oriented design and Agile methods. He was particularly involved with enterprise application development, the Unified Modelling Language, Extreme Programming, Refactoring, and harvesting patterns. His clients included the UK National Health Service, Chrysler, Citibank, Netscape and Andersen Consulting.

Martin is probably best known for his writing. He has written five books on software development and collected a few awards along the way for them His books include:

* Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
* Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
* UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
* Planning Extreme Programming
* Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models

He spent five years editing the design column for IEEE Software. He is currently a Series Editor for Addison-Wesley's books. His website, martinfowler.com, is widely read by software developers. He was one of the authors of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. He's also a highly regarded speaker at international conferences, although these days he prefers to stay off the stage.
As Chief Scientist Martin's principal role is to identify important techniques and technologies for our industry and spread them through ThoughtWorks, our clients, and the industry as a whole. Most of his raw material comes from ThoughtWorks projects which he finds to be an overwhelming supply of innovation.

Official Website: http://mashmadras.pbwiki.com

Added by labsji on February 6, 2008