115 S. Harrison
Sherman, Texas 75090

TEXOMA MARTIAL ARTS IS NOW ACCEPTING ENROLLMENT FOR IT"S ANNUAL SIX WEEK SPRING SESSION for Kid5-8 years old!...WE ARE LIMITED TO 20 KIDS!! This 6 week session consists of BASIC training within the Chinese and Filipino Arts to help familiarize the kids with an alternative way to learn martial arts. Most people think martial arts is just Karate or Tae Kwon Do, as you see at every corner. We show the student there is more to it than meets the eye... In the Kids session for 5-8 years olds, we teach the core principals to help them understand themselves and their body and how apply what we teach in real life... There will be two sessions held weekly, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. All students must be prepaid in full and enrolled by March 24th. So, please if you wish your child to enroll please do so quickly as this session is limited to 20 kids! SPECIAL RATE FOR ONLINE ENROLLMENT: The cost is only $120 per child if you pay online! ($150 at door for late enrollment after March 24th), so take full advantage of our online price TODAY and save $30! We do not use nor do we have uniforms, so you are not buying extra stuff for this session! We will however have sashs for the kids to wear. First 3 weeks - white sash , second 3 weeks- red sash. Upon the last session, we will have a TMAA certificate party with drinks and treats for the kiddos! It's all about learning and having fun! Our first session will start on Wednesday,March 25th from 5-6pm and with the second session on Saturday,28th from 10-11am. Pleas refer to the Texoma Martial Arts website for complete information and schedule and online payment. www.texomamaa.com

Official Website: www.Texomamaa.com

Added by texomamaa on March 9, 2009