Details of this event can be found at this link:
Please note that the price is "per couple" for each ticket option.
When registering, be sure to choose the appropriate lodging and meal option for each couple you are registering.
Organized by Family Builders Ministries, Inc.
Ticket Info: - EARLY Registration - First Couple from Church (By May 15, 2009), $239.00
- EARLY Registration - Additional Couple from Same Church (by May 15), $139.00
- Lodging and Meal Package (per couple), $115.00
- Meals only (per couple), $45.00
- Regular Registration - First Couple from Church (after May 15, 2009), $289.00
- Regular Registration - Additional Couple from Same Church (after May 15, 2009), $189.00
Official Website: http://marriagementor-upcoming.eventbrite.com