20-32 Goodwood road
London, England SE14 6BL

A three week run directed by Marysia Kay of Broken Biscuit Theatre on behalf of Griffins Edge Productions.

Tickets available from Zeta Tickets at https://www.zetatickets.co.uk/ (call 08447404305 for info)
Performances 8pm Tues-Sat evenings.
Tickets £10 (conc £5), please book in advance
Starring David Swain as Christopher Marlowe
Matt Mowat as Thomas Watson/Bishop Bancroft
Anthony Lewis as William Shakespeare
Freddie Hogan as Thomas Walsingham
Rosey Tyler as Lord Cecil/Eleanor Bull
Andrew Welsh as Archbishop Whitgift/Thomas Nashe/Ingram Frizer
Eugenia Low as Richard Baines/Thomas Kyd/Nicholas Skeres
Yusuf Bhaimia as Robert Poley

A play of treachery and deceit! A play of poetry and friendship! A play of religious and political heresy! A play in which no less than four people are called Thomas!

The year is 1593 and playwright Christopher Marlowe has returned to plague ridden London where he is quickly entangled in a web of intrigue that reaches all the way to the Queen herself. His friends, William Shakespeare, Thomas Watson and Thomas Walsingham, attempt to save their friend from certain death while more powerful forces attempt to destroy the brilliant playwright.

Filled with action and intrigue, the drama traces the final days prior to the controversial “murder” of 16th century playwright Christopher Marlowe. Literary rivals but best friends, William Shakespeare and Thomas Watson try to persuade Marlowe
to flee England before his enemies try and execute him for treason. Was Marlowe a spy for Sir Francis Walsingham, a conspirator with Walter Raleigh or merely a brilliant irritant to the rich and powerful? An American theatre professor, Lillie, makes a powerful case that the world misunderstood both Marlowe and what fate befell him.

Official Website: http://www.marlowetheplay.com/

Added by Marysia on October 19, 2010