5816 N. 16th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85016

Join us on Thursday, June 19 to network, enjoy lunch, and learn from Mark Mackenzie, author of just released Marketopoly - The Definitive Guide to Beating The Real Estate Recession and Winning at The Game of Investment Real Estate. Mark’s book has been called the "#1 book for learning how to invest in real estate the RIGHT way!" In his book he proves there is no “national” real estate market, that all real estate is local.

This will not be a formal presentation, just a casual conversation. Mark will share how he performs technical analysis on real estate markets to find the investment opportunities concealed within them. This includes comparing markets and identifying trends. He'll share how he analyzes deals, show you how a 5% appreciation can be a better return than an 8% appreciation, and prove that appreciation is not the end all when investing in real estate. Mark will have copies of his book available (it is currently sold out on Amazon).

Cost: $20 (includes lunch and tip)

This special event is hosted by:
Arizona Cash Flow Club

Official Website: http://marketopoly.eventbrite.com

Added by ArizonaCashFlowClub on June 2, 2008