Several times each year, Drill Sergeants Richard Roop and Dan Doran enlist hundreds of entrepreneurs to become lean, mean real estate investing machines by hosting Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs Boot Camps.
Train Your Brain
These accelerated training opportunities are legendary in the real estate investor community for whipping businesses into shape in just four short days. The next Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs Boot Camp is slated for May 20-23, in Long Beach, Calif. So far, almost 200 have signed up and, though the early enrollment deadline has passed, overall enlistment appears to be growing.
Build Lean Marketing Muscle
At Boot Camp, be prepared to learn how SalesTeamLive's robust and automated direct mail marketing services seamlessly integrate with and deploy from Roop and Doran's flagship platform for generating real estate wealth. This is but one of the proven strategies you'll learn from the live Boot Camp experience that simply cannot be captured in training and preparation materials alone.
To learn the Top 10 reasons why you should enlist for the Marketing Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs Boot Camp, read this.
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Added by GBoomer on May 9, 2008