At this months lunch author Mike Gospe will introduce his new book:
Marketing Campaign Development: What Marketing Executives Need to Know About Architecting Global Integrated Marketing Campaigns
Be one of the first 30 to register and recieve a free copy!
His book has been endorsed by marketing leaders such as Jay Conrad Levinson, Patricia Seybold, and Don Schultz as "an inspirational "how to" book for business-to-business marketers in the Internet age.
Are you nurturing a meaningful and relevant dialog with your prospects and customers, or are you creating a series of unconnected, one-off marketing activities? A press release here, a tradeshow there is not enough to keep the customer engaged. Today's marketers need more than just a plan. They need a "marketing blueprint" - a framework that literally maps out a company's engagement dialogue linking activities and offers together.
Marketing strategist and author Mike Gospe of the Kick Start Alliance will define what a marketing campaign really is, and what it is not. You'll discover the three critical steps that guide the world's best marketing teams in their marketing initiatives. And you'll learn how to navigate the company politics that can slow down or kill your campaign before it even begins.
Companies that use marketing blueprints consistently achieve a dramatic improvement in their marketing ROI because they nurture dialogue with the prospect or customer rather than simply bombarding the target audience with random media messages.
MIKE GOSPE, author, marketing strategist, and co-founder of KickStart Alliance is an accomplished leader. For more than 20 years, he worked the angles of campaign management. Mike led a team of go-to-market strategists at HP, guided a worldwide organization to tailor global marketing launches and regional campaigns at Sun, and drove a team of corporate marketers at Ariba.
$35 for members; $45 for non members.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 12, 2008