1400 Broadway Ave.
Burlingame, California 94010

SVAMA Presents: The Market Research Morning Forum

Humanizing Strategic Thinking
Every market research study should help to build empathy in the boardroom for the individuals the company serves. But this is clearly not always the case. During this month's Market Research Morning Forum we will explore the factors that impede the flow of empathy from customers to the boardroom, and how market research can change this. We will learn how to use methods such as segmentation and ethnography to get an organization to think of real people when building their brand strategy. We'll also examine examples from industries such as financial services and retail to pick up tips for how to create innovation platforms rooted firmly in the human experience.

Speaker: Kara McCartney, Landor Associates

Kara McCartney is the Insights Director of the San Francisco office of Landor Associates. In her role, she is responsible for designing and conducting consumer research in many categories from brand equity to segmentation.

When: April 15, 2008 8:30am - 10am

Where: Broadway Grill
1400 Broadway Avenue
(Broadway at Capuchino)
Burlingame, CA 94010
(650) 343-9333

Cost: Currently free to SVAMA members, $15 for non-members
Method: Cash or check
(Breakfast not included)

RSVP: Please help the facilitator to manage appropriate seating by responding to Clynton Taylor, clynton@jumpassociates.com at least three days before the event.

Members no charge, Non-Members $15; plus cost of meal. Please RSVP 3+ days before.

Official Website: http://www.svama.org

Added by FullCalendar on April 9, 2008

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