Critically acclaimed author Mark Z. Danielewski, of House of Leaves renown, summons a specially wicked spell on this Halloween eve: an eerie theatrical presentation of his limited-edition, illustrated ghost story The Fifty Year Sword, with the mood heightened by the evocative, ingeniously devised shadow theater work of Christine Marie & Ensemble. Taking place in an East Texas orphanage during the course of one night in late October, the tale is recounted by Chintana, a seamstress recovering from a painful divorce, who bears witness as a mysterious caped Story Teller recites for the orphans a saga of revenge, a harrowing quest, and a terrible sword. Soon the sword itself is revealed, drawn from a long black box, and a fateful dare is made before the clock strikes midnight in this chronicle of malice foretold and retold.
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Added by redcatpr on September 3, 2011