55 Coogan Blvd
Mystic, Connecticut 06355

Immersion Learning brings the vast and exciting Arctic world live via webcast to Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration on May 18 to 20. During the live “Marine Mammals of the Arctic” webcasts, viewers will have the opportunity to interact directly with scientists and trainers who work with marine mammals to better understand their behaviors and physiology, as well as the impact of humans and climate change on these animals. Viewers will get a firsthand look at polar bear research, seal rescue and rehabilitation efforts at the aquarium, satellite tagging and population surveys of ringed seals and beluga research that involves a unique collaboration between the people of Point Lay, Alaska, and researchers, including one based at Mystic Aquarium. Kids will also meet the three winners of Immersion’s first-ever Goldfish Training Contest, who will each serve as an “apprentice trainer” during one day of webcasts and work closely with the aquarium’s beluga whales and professional trainers.

Webcasts take place between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day. Visit mysticaquarium.org for a schedule.

For more information: (860) 572-5955 or marketinginfo@mysticaquarium.org

Added by BeckyG on April 7, 2010

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