2857 24th St.
San Francisco, California 94110

QueLaCo (Queer Latino Artists Collective) is pleased to present a series of events celebrating its 10th anniversary in the context of the 10th Annual Queer Latino Arts Festival. The festival will consist of two consecutive visual arts exhibitions, and a series of public events, such as poetry readings, film screenings, and artist talks. (check website for further info)

The first exhibition, Maria: Politics. Sex. Death. Men. curated by Leonardo Herrera, explores the defense mechanisms and survival instincts of young Latino gay men through a psychedelic showcase of Magical Realism, sex and gay iconography. Through the use of candid photography, digital collage, costume, video installation and drawings, the artists delve into the assimilation of San Francisco's Gay community brought on by both outside forces such as politics and the media, as well as from within the gay community itself.

The exhibition will include photography (digital, candid and fashion) by Keith Aguiar, Robert Guzman, Leonardo Herrera and Jody Jock, costumes by Money Shot, a text installation by Ernest Soprani as well as a multimedia installation by Jonathan Solo. Leonardo Herrera's work is inspired by counterculture revolutions of the past and present and cultural trends.

Maria: Politics. Sex. Death. Men. curated by Leonardo Herrera was the winning proposal of a call to cuarortors, and was selected from seven curatorial proposals submitted to a Review Panel composed by John Blanco (artist), Raquel de Anda (Curator), Carolina Ponce de León (Curator), Alberto Rangel (artist), and Rebeka Rodriguez (artist/educator).

Exhibition One - Maria: Politics. Sex. Death. Men.
Partipating Artists: Keith Aguiar, Robert Guzman, Allan Herrera, Jody Jock, Jonathan Solo, Ernesto Soprani and Leo Herrera.

Opening Reception: Friday, June 6th @ 7:30 pm
Exhibition Dates: Friday, June 6th – Friday, July 4th
Artist Talk: Wednesday, July 2nd @ 7 pm. Suggested Donation $2

Official Website: http://www.galeriadelaraza.org

Added by galeriadelaraza on May 10, 2008