320 Hull St.
Richmond, Virginia 23220


Maria Chavez is an Avant Turntablist from Peru that focuses on electro
acoustic sound of vinyl and needle. She has a collection of needles
immaculate to ruined that she calls her, "Pencils of sound." And a
collection of perfect to ruined records that provide the pallette.

She will be releasing an international CD with Kaffe Matthews (London)
next year, and is working on a duo CD with turntablist James Eck Rippie
(Elevator Bath) also due out next year.

She has toured with Christina Carter (Scorses, Charalambides), opened
Hrvatski in Austin, and performed a duo with Thurston Moore in her NYC


::::Accelera Deck

Accelera Deck is Chris Jeely. He digitally processes his guitar, but
a way to create beautiful layers of texture and modulation that mimic
warped vinyl and various other unidentifiable sounds.

[http://scarelight.com] (maybe down due to moving server)

:::: Harm Stryker & Birds in the Meadow w/ Brian Jones

Kenny Yates (Harm Stryker) will be processing Darius Jones (Birds in the
Meadow) playing Tenor Sax & Marty McCavitt (Birds in the Meadow) will be
processing Richmond percussionist Brian Jones.

For more information visit [http://804noise.org] &

Added by nowspot on October 12, 2004