In a comedy universe all her own, Maria Bamford (aka The Crazy Target Commercial Lady) is back and even further off the wall than before. She is the first female comic to have two half-hour "Comedy Central Presents..." specials and webisodes from her popular podcast "The Maria Bamford Show" were recently on display as part of an exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design in NYC. She was featured in the Comedy Central/Showtime documentary series "The Comedians of Comedy" but is most recognizable from her Target Black Friday commercials in which she portrays a neurotic shopper bent on being the first in line. Her comedy is off-beat, quirky, delivered in countless voices and is decidedly unconventional, often incorporating vingettes that provide a refreshing break from the traditional set-up/punchline routine. She is a sight to behold and totally unmissable.
Official Website:
Added by aacomedy on April 19, 2012