Advance tickets can be purchased from the venue over the phone (415) 861 5016. Party host Marga Gomez, voted “Best Comedian 2009 and 2008” in the SF Bay Guardian, and DJ Chelsea Starr (the hottie behind SOMA’s legendary club “Hot Pants”) will mix the Bay Areas finest comedians with booty shaking jams to get the crowd laughing and dancing at Café Du Nord. “Marga’s Laugh Party” features leading comedians from the worlds of nightclubs and art spaces including Janine Brito (winner 2009 SF Women’s Comedy Competition) Lynn Breedlove (Tribe 8 Band Founder) Marcella Arguello, Emily Heller,Tara Jepsen, Pippi Lovestocking, Ben McCoy, Natasha Muse, Kirk Read.
This is a party with comedy so it's a partly seated partly standing showroom. This way there's room to dance in between the comedy. The Cafe Du Nord also has a swanky lounge outside the showroom. And a limited number of ringside tables are available for the show with dinner reservation. The food is good and not too pricey
Added by margagomezcomedy on January 19, 2010