Known for her innovative collaborative processes, choreographer Margaret Jenkins has infused Other Suns with the creative energies of the Guangdong dancers and her company members. Together, they explore how their physical languages affect each other, creating a unique hybrid language for everyone. Refined, precise and dynamic, with what dance critic Allen Ulrich calls a “current of sensuality that simmers on the surface,” Other Suns represents the next chapter in Jenkins’s ongoing exploration of place, communication and identity. Jenkins writes: “We strive to stay ready for the surprises, to be able to surrender to what a new place, culture and people can offer us and how we might strengthen the dialogue among each other and by extension our countries.”
This performance is part of the Other Suns Engagement Project: October 27 - Cross-Cultural Communication through Dance, October 30 - Dance in China
This performance is part of Daniel Pearl World Music Days.
There will be a Talk Back with the artists following each performance.
Official Website:
Added by Clarice Smith Center on September 21, 2009