QUESTION: What does "based on tantric principle" mean in the context of writiing?
ANSWER: We write from a non-dual philosophy...Love is here now...descendence of spiritual inspiration into the manifest form...awakening the 2nd chakra as not only sexual but creative and BIRTHING your book....etc...come see for yourself.
Writing support Creative exercises Read and Critique Valuable Feedback Inspiration & Motivation Networking and Friendship
Come Join US!March 25th 6:45PM - 9:00PM At 1140 Emerald St. San Diego, CA 92109 858-272-2254 Please bring a journal, notebook or laptop and something to write with a $10 donation (sliding scale) Thank you!
Organized by Kamala DeviKamala Devi is a Bliss Coach, Author of Don't Drink the Punch:An
adventure in Tantra, and Sacred Sexual Healing. For more info call:
858-272-2254 or visit
Ticket Info: Writing Group based on Tantric Principle, $10.99
Official Website: http://marchwritinggroup-upcoming.eventbrite.com