While certainly not a pre-requisite to working with Plone, those needing to significantly customize the Plone CMS realize that a bit of Python is a useful skill. Fortunately, as far as programming languages go, Python is incredibly easy to learn and very powerful!
Many that filled out our survey (http://surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=6234851292) expressed a desire to learn more about Python and we're excited to have guest speaker Brian Dorsey, a key organizer in the Seattle Python Interest Group (SeaPig), for our March meeting.
Brian will be giving a 30 minute intro to Python talk and accepting questions. Afterwards, we'll talk through an interesting Plone site in an attempt to glean ideas and suggestions. Let us know if you have something to show off! Otherwise, Brian Gershon or I will come up with something interesting.
Seattle Plone Gathering
Tuesday, March 29nd, 2005, 5:30 P.M. to 7:00ish P.M.
1402 3rd Avenue, Suite 1000
Seattle WA 98101
Directions at:
Intro to Python -- Brian Dorsey
Walkthrough of a Plone site -- TBD
Added by andrewburkhalter on March 27, 2005