No other month is more closely associated with Green, so we thought it a fitting theme for this month's event.
March - Chicago R.E.Connect
Chicago Center for Green Technology (445 N. Sacramento)
Thursday, March 19th, 5:30 - 7:30ish
Refreshments, Tours, Industry Updates,Trivia Prizes, and much more
* Event sponsorship opportunities are available
All members of the Chicago Real Estate and related communities are
invited for another great night of content and networking. There is a
$10 ($15 at the door) donation (includes refreshments, tours, prizes,
and giveaways), and a portion of the proceeds will benefit this month's
featured charity.
Rsvps accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Organized by Chicago R.E.ConnectThe premiere network for Chicago's real estate community. Join our
group of leading Brokers, Realtors, Lenders, and related advisers,
Ticket Info: Pre-Purchase Ticket, $10.99
Official Website: http://marchreconnect-upcoming.eventbrite.com