Barb's group sessions are a bit different than galleries, in that she keeps the group capacity at 8 participants or less to allow readings for each person. Barb starts withasmall introduction and then relays messages from the other side to each group participant. These messages may be from spirit loved ones or guides!
These intimate 2.5 hour sessions are a wonderful way to experience the process of mediumship through your own reading as well as through the readings of others. Barb works with every participant in the group in a random order to link with spirit for evidence and any messages they may have. These spirit people may be family, friends, or even someone who wishes to get a message through you to someone you know. In most cases, each participant will also have an opportunity to ask a guidance question of spirit as well. While Barb works to keep the readings even time-wise, there are situations when a spirit person will require a longer period of time in getting their info out, so please keep this in mind.
You may register up to two participants total; this keeps the event open to the public. No more than 8 participants permitted per group to allow time for Barb to read each person. Group sittings normally take place on Friday evenings at 6:00pm. They are held at the Staybridge Suites Hotel in Chantilly, VA.
Please be aware that a group reading will help you understand the process of mediumship, but does not take the place of a private one-on-one reading. Any guidance that comes through should be viewed as inspiration as it is not fortune telling. We always have free will.
Organized by Barb Mallon, Psychic Medium
Ticket Info: 3/29 Group Session Ticket, $80.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/266906324/upcoming