122 E 42nd St.
New York City, New York

Marathon Strides Online Fundraising Program
Through the NYC CHAPTER of the National MS Society

Are you already planning to run the NYC Marathon?

If so, why not run the marathon AND raise money for an important cause? Running a marathon is a tremendous personal challenge and accomplishment. Participating in the marathon while raising vital funds for those who live with the unpredictable challenges of multiple sclerosis will make your experience that much more memorable.

We will give you the online tools to build your own website and send out e-mails to family and friends to raise money online. The money you raise will support programs and services to help people with MS and their families in New York City as well as fund vital MS research nationwide.

To learn more or to register:
Visit: www.msnyc.org
E-mail: marathons@msnyc.org
Call: 212-463-9791

Official Website: http://www.msnyc.org

Added by mssociety on July 3, 2006

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