62 North Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103
Pasadena, California 91103

What are mapping parties?

Mapping parties are events where anyone can come and participate in the OpenStreetMap project. OpenStreetMap is a free, open source map that can be contributed, edited and used by anyone anywhere. Mapping parties are social events where experienced and new mappers can meet to share and learn more about the project. The events are generally held in a public place, and allow time for discussion, mapping and editing. The event is open to all.

It's fun. It's free. You can help.

Many thanks to Garrick Staples, who is helping to co-organize the event.

More about Mapping parties

* When: Saturday April 4th and Sunday April 5th, 11am-4pm
* Where: Seattle Coffee 475 S. Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101

* Website: http://
* Contact User:hurricane Email: Hurricane@cloudmade.com cell number: 303-589-9133
* Event schedule:

Saturday & Sunday: 11am - 4pm

11:00 am: Introduction to OpenStreetMap for beginners.
11:30 am-2:30pm/3pm: Mapping time (walking/biking/driving)
2:00pm -4:00 pm: Uploading and Editing Map Data with refreshments and discussion.
4:00pm: Social event- drinks and discussion for whoever is interested, at a nearby eatery

Sunday (later times): Same Schedule

* If you own a GPS or laptop computer, please bring it along. If not, we will have GPS units to loan.

* Weather: This event is rain or shine.
* RSVP: please let us know that you will join us by contacting Hurricane or RSVP here:


Official Website: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pasadena

Added by hurricanemcewen on March 26, 2009

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