181 Lincoln Place (bt 7th & 8th avenues)
new york, New York 11217

Maple Street School
Music Train
Saturday, January 31, 2008 - 2:30pm - 5pm
Berkeley Carroll School Gymnasium
181 Lincoln Place (bt 7th & 8th ave)
Park Slope Brooklyn, NY 11217
Limited Tickets Available - Advance Purchase Recommended:
$10/child under 12, $5/adult - advance
$12/child under 12, $7/adult – at the door http://www.nycharities.org/event/event.asp?CE_ID=3364
Toot! Toot! A Family-Friendly Event
* Concert * Dance Demo * Dance Party * Hands-on Art Wall
* Home Baked Goodies * Face Painting * Raffle

Climb aboard! Doors Open 2:30pm
3pm - Sing a long concert by 'Songs in the Key of New York' with Jeremy Zmuda and Clare Manchon.

4pm -Mutator dance-a-long exposition with Hobgoblin & the Story Board Professor.

4:30pm - Dance Party, get your cabin fever ya ya's out and shake your caboose!
Fun for everyone! We guarantee a goodnight's rest.

All proceeds from Music Train will benefit the Maple Street School.
Maple Street School - http://www.maplestreetschool.org

Q to 7th Ave, Brooklyn, 2, 3 to Grand Army Plaza, M, R Union St

For more information contact

Official Website: http://www.maplestreetschool.org/music-train

Added by taraball88 on December 22, 2008

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