4383 Tennyson STreet
Denver, Colorado 80212

This book and the program it introduces are the results of years of research and work at Perelandra with nature and the White Brotherhood. MAP is easy to use for anyone who feels that his or her present medical support—traditional or alternative—is not enough. MAP is a comprehensive medical program for humans that addresses our general health; any specific illness, disease or condition; injuries (serious or small); our mental health; our emotional health; and our overall well-being. As a program, it couldn't be more simple. With MAP you have high quality medical assistance any time day or night. Pre-requisites: MAP 3rd Edition Book and ETS Plus (Flower essences help to simplify the process steps and support your MAP work). Purchase book at ETS Plus at FHS with 10% discount for class students.

Cost for the workshop: $35/person.

Presenter: Lynne Sperry - Sperry has over 25 years of experience in the new age field. She is a sealed, pure trance channel, animal communicator and intuitive artist. People who have experienced her channeling sessions say they have never had an experience like it. For more information and to reserve your space, contact the store at 303-964-9339.

Official Website: http://www.forheavensake.com/

Added by lysperry on August 6, 2007

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