Time flies when you're geeking out. It's time to think ahead to the next Manoa
Geeks! I think we're all hungry for a chance to immerse ourselves in a room
full of fun, brilliant people to share ideas, show off our latest projects, and
catch up. Once again we're blessed to
have a host with an eye for technology and great space for talkstory... plus,
free parking!
Hopefully this note reaches you early enough to mark your
calendars and to start collecting cool links and things to share. If you've got
something you want to demo, let me know ASAP -- we'll have demos this time, I
promise! Many of us will be fresh out
of SXSW with great stories to tell. Please
invite your friends! I'll send another
reminder a week or so before the meetup as well.
Date: Thursday,
March 26
Time: 6:30pm
Location: The
Honolulu Advertiser (605 Kapiolani Blvd.)
General Overview:
Introductions: A quick zip around the room!
Presentations: Have something to demo or announce? Get in touch!
Eat, Drink & Talk Story
Guided Discussion:
What's going on in the web world?
More Talk Story!
About Our Host:
The Honolulu Advertiser is proud to be a part of the wave of
social media with more than 40 blogs, including the popular "The Warrior
Beat" by Stephen Tsai, The Honolulu Advertiser encourages readers to share
and participate daily online. Readers have immediate access to social tools,
including a profile page, personal blog, a GetPublished feature to post a story
or photo, and the ability to share messages with friends and family.
The young and dedicated online staff stays on top of the
latest technologies and delivers news and information when and how you want it.
They've got you covered with their mobile editions, text and email alerts, RSS
feeds and eight Twitter profiles, from @honadv to @honadvsports.
Adding to The Advertiser's broad base of coverage, Metromix
keeps Hawaii up to date on what's hot and happening tonight and every night.
From charity gigs like the Honolulu Twestival to the hippest clubs and
underground raves, Metromix is plugged in and keeping you in the know. Follow
@metromix808 and @metromixit_hnl for up-to-the-minute event news and venue and
restaurant reviews.
Organized by Manoa GeeksManoa Geeks is a regular gathering of people
working or interested in Web 2.0, online entrepreneurship and startups,
programming and development, and science and technology.
Ticket Info: Geek, Free
Official Website: http://manoageeks-upcoming.eventbrite.com