We cover online startups, entrepreneurship, web 2.0, web services, the future of tech and related social issues.
Meeting Outline (schedule will be flexible)
6:30 Arrive
6:45 Introductions: Who are you, what you do, and what are you trying
to solve/learn/build/etc.
7:00 Informal chit-chat based on what we just learned about each other.
7:45 Presentations / Guided conversation Got something you'd like to
present? (5 mins + questions) Shoot me an email.
**RSVP's are required for this event. The building security guard
will be checking names against a list. Guests are welcome but they'll
need to be on the list as well.
And a very big mahalo to our host and sponsor, Seth Ladd and Camber
Corporation! They've invited us to use their conference room, and
they're throwing in some pizza too. Feel free to bring your own
(non-alcoholic) beverage.
Added by JPhilipson on November 19, 2007
We at Camber are proud to host and sponsor Manoa Geeks.
We're also excited to announce that we're hiring a talented, motivated, and experienced web application engineer. You'll be working with some of the smartest developers on island as you build, test, and deploy numerous Ruby on Rails web applications ranging in all shapes and sizes. Salary is very competitive. If interested, please email lcarroll@camber.com with your resume and cover letter.
See you tonight!