1237 Executive Drive East
Richardson, Texas 75081

The world is in danger…is at war with itself…
The time has come for all of us..ALL of us..to take responsibility
for saving the world.

No government can protect us from ourselves. People everywhere must
come together to transform our destructive, polarized culture of
death. The time has come to implement our highest aspirations for
peace, for a wholesome environment, for purposeful living, and for the
co-operation needed if we are to survive. We will need incorruptible,
wise and loving guidance so that everyone, everywhere, will know that
each one matters, and that all are needed if the future is to be

We are presenting information that such guidance is ours for the
asking. Come to the following showings of this message of hope.

February 10 & March 10: 7:30pm, Spiritual Fitness Center
1237 E. Executive Dr., Richardson 75081

February 16: 7:30pm, Community Room, Half Price Books
5803 E. Northwest Hwy (at US 75) Dallas

Free DVD showings, all are invited

www.WakeUpDallas.org • 214-328-2124

Official Website: http://www.WakeUpDallas.org

Added by AM on February 7, 2007

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