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Manifesting Your Dreams: Free Teleseminar by Shamantist Penny Weaver

LIVONIA, Mich. – July 28, 2009 – Reverend Shamantist Penny Weaver is offering a free teleseminar titled "Manifest Your Dreams, Hopes and Purposes Through Metaphysical Practices". The teleseminar will take place on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2009 from 9-11 a.m.

The teleseminar is an enlightening experience for all persons interested in developing self mastery and specifically spiritual self mastery. It will dive into important attributes to manifesting ones desires. Subscribers will learn how to identify: what they really want, what is keeping them from what they want, and how to rid themselves of what is no longer self serving.

"Manifest Your Dreams, Hopes and Purposes Through Metaphysical Practices" is the beginning of a series, and is a great opportunity for interested listeners to experience a teleseminar before having to invest. Both the seminar and recording are free!

Space is limited, so it is advised to reserve a seat as early as possible. This can be done by visiting http://www.spiritualselfmastery.com/teleseminar.html. A recording of the seminar will also be offered for latecomers or those with schedule conflictions.

Penny Weaver, holds a Masters degree in both Business and Guidance & Counseling, with a Specialist Degree in Clinical Psychology. She is a Meditation Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Sekhem Hypnotherapist, Sekhem-Seichim Master Teacher, Sekhem (Australian) Master Teacher, Shambala Master /Teacher, Blue Star Celestial Energy Master /Teacher, Karuna® Master/ Teacher, Medium, Shaman and Author of Self Master through Integration of Spirit, Body, and Mind. She teaches classes on-line and at her studio in Northville,MI. For a copy of her FREE Lecture and Meditation on Connecting with Your Higher Self, visit: www.SpiritualSelfMastery.com

Kim Crabtree
MetaOps, Inc.
(734) 425-2455 ext. 104 (office)
(734) 943-6608 (facsimile)

Official Website: http://www.spiritualselfmastery.com/teleseminar.html

Added by Penny Weaver on July 28, 2009

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