aidingANDabetting is our expression of sustainable community building. We are conscious of the wealth in each BEing on the planet and are committed to gathering in celebration of our collective presence, talents & innovations.
April 2nd, 2009 is our initial gathering & the birthday of Bi-Coastal Comedic Guru Micia Mosely. Were honored to celebrate Micias life & artistic cultivations through Aprils theme, Manifestation: Celebrating Life, Creativity & Love. Join us for an experience of theatrical performance, dance, multi-media, food/beverage & more.
Performance Guest:
Aya de Leon (www.ayadelon.com)Soul NubianThandiwe Thomas De Schazor (www.myspace.com/thandiwethomas)Red summer (www.twofingerspress.com)Black (www.myspace.com/clubsweet)& MORE! Logistics & DetailsAbundance: $15/Being*entry fee is for advance purchase only. $20/BEing at the door.Evolution: 21 & finer *ego free & willingness to be expanded
Doors @ 6pLive Performances @ 7p
Stay tuned for event updates via www.NurshaProject.com & www.hippysauce.com!
Organized by Nursha Project & hippysauce
(nur sha) --noun
inclination for activity &/or change
Nursha Project is committed
to establishing, producing/presenting Artist, Events & Projects that are rooted
in sociopolitical offerings. This is achieved through the incubation of
ideas, strategic planning, collaborative project design and product development. To learn more about us, visit www.NurshaProject.com
hippysauce building in the service of transcendental ideas: the work of the the 21stCentury BOHEMIAN
hippysauce is committed to experiencing, promoting, and documenting the revolutionary spirit of the 21stCentury BOHEMIAN. located in westOakland, we are an integral part of the vibrant arts, music & social justice activist community. To learn more about us, visit www.hippysauce.com.
Ticket Info: General Admission, $15.99
Official Website: http://lifecreativitylove-upcoming.eventbrite.com